Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Kawasaki Versys.

I'm seriously considering buying one of these. I know it's an "appliance" but it's a nice appliance and truth be told I kind of need a bike that's more like an appliance and less like an object of lust. Anyone wanna talk me out of it? Or not? My other choice is a Triunph Scrambler which does give me serious wood but I'd end up modding the hell out of it and it'd cease being my appliance and start costing me more than it's worth. And I already have a bunch of bikes like that...


  1. This is the good blog with good images and good details. Please keep on posting the more stuff. I will like to hear more from you.

  2. might as well buy a weed-eater while your at it...
    Don't do it! Ride the classic ones...the world needs more rolling artwork!

    keep up the good work!


  3. I have owned this appliance for two years, after 11 years of owning and riding the 'classic' 1981 BMW R80 G/S. Both bikes toasted my bread evenly on both sides, cleaned the dried egg yolk off my china and kept my veggies crisp and fresh for days and days. My Versys has performed flawlessly, over many miles and types of road surfaces. I could not be happier with my choice and hope you will be with yours.

  4. Well another big part of this is the price. I can pick it up for nearly $2K less than the scrambler and I'm pretty sure it's a lot less than the F800.

  5. I'm considering a bike purchase in the spring, and I'm in a similar pickle as you. I don't want an "appliance," but it will need to be real, practical, reliable transport, not just a toy. Most of my preferred choices have been out of production for two decades or more, and I can't say as I'm happy with what the current market offers. My short list includes the Dorsoduro (or Shiver, although the Dorso is better looking), the new CB1100F (more bike than I need), and...the Versys. I'm not really excited about it, but it keeps popping back up, like Horshack raising his hand -- "Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! Pick me!"

  6. Tanshanomi, It's funny you mention the Shiver. We have a new Aprilla dealer here in town and I stopped by to take a look at the lineup. Very impressive bikes but I've heard horror stories regarding parts availibility and warranty work. I dont "know" that it's true but there's enough of it to make me cautious. The price difference again keeps me coming back to the Versys. It's a LOT of motorcycle for the money.

  7. Well Steve, I work at a Triumph dealer and consider myself a "triumph guy", but I'd say go with the Versys from a practicality standpoint. Scramblers have WAYYYYY more cool factor, but are way less practical.

    If I had money to buy a bike in this realm, it would be am F800 for sure. I want one so bad!

  8. its looking like a super bike thanks for sharing this with us.

  9. Another problem with the F800 (at least for me) is that there are NO dealers within 100 miles me. There was once but it didn't last. The owner ws a multiline dealer and BMW was pushing him hard to at least Isolate the BMW brand in it's own store. When he refused they left him hanging on parts and support so he dropped the line in general disgust leaving a market of about 1.3 million people without a dealership. And before the purists jump all over me, yes this was from a personal conversation I had with him. The closest BMW dealership is in Daytona about 100 miles away. Too far for my comfort level.

  10. Sounds like the Versys is the way to go then...

  11. I love my Versys! There's a lot to be said for modern, reliable bikes, but this bike is just plain fun, too! I rode the F650GS (the almost 800 cc version of BMW's 650) for a few days, but it wasn't nearly as much flickable fun as the Vs. I'll choose my big BMW RT for long term road work, but the VS is a lot more user friendly for daily work.

  12. It's really too bad it's so "FUGLY." Even for an "appliance."

  13. I just had a test ride on one of theses= and it was way more fun than I expected. It;s sooooo ugly I wanted to not like it. Now I'm confused!


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